Year: 2017

Location: Moscow, VDNH (Pavilion 516)

Client: MADE Moscow / ROSIZO

Area: 530 sq.m.

Status: Completed

The concept of the renewed pavilion implies a form when historical elements, created in the soviet-era, meet a rigid classic space, with its democracy and coziness of a public space interior. Space and limited area of the Books pavilion can be effectively used, considering thought-through zoning and multi-functional purpose. The important part of composing the interior was to keep the so-called «spirit» of the historical place in order to give visitors an idea of a book as a timeless object.


Several zones, developed on the ground floor, provide various scenarios. Settled in a comfortable armchair in a lounge-zone one forgets about time flow, while reading a book. Light and meditative space sets the best mood to get into serious read contemplation. Single light sources can be adjusted in density for individual preferences. Deep armchairs propose a durable and comfortable stay. Elements of vegetation in the interior aim to increase the enjoyable state.


Each zone is a good spot to work, compose a scientific article or something even bigger. Every table has an electrical output and a table lamp. Working zone is suitable for holding lectures, thematic events, or even parties to praise a successful literary latest.



Modern reading format is inseparable from coffee culture. The coffee house serves as a place for a laid-back conversation and easy reading.



An important part of the pavilion project is collecting analog and e-books, picked by curators. Visitors can choose any book and take a look in the reading room. Professional consultants give personal reading recommendations.

Photos: Dmitry Chebanenko


Book launch event - Artemy Troitsky's «Subculture»